      the journey

Dhows were the largest traditional boats of the Indian Ocean, the wooden sail boats were once used to transport exotic spices and goods between East Africa, Asia and Arabia. They have become increasingly scarce in recent decades due to the advent of faster modes of transport. Kilindini Dhow was lovingly hand crafted by the people of Kipungani village on Lamu Island in 2002, the closest village to The Cabanas. Leslie Duckworth, the founder of “Kizingoni Beach'' commissioned the boat as a way to support the local village economy whilst preserving the ancient skill and craftsmanship of the local elders. It was an honour for the village to be chosen for the task. Today Kilindini remains the pride of the Kipungani people and the owners who love the freedom she brings to explore the island archipelago in comfort, style and in keeping with tradition.

Kilindini serves as a reminder to embrace the journey not just the destination. She can be hired exclusively on private charter for sunset sails, day trips or overnight safaris.

Please note that the Dhow is dependant on the weather conditions. There may be unforesable times where it is not possible to sail. 
The Kuzi season (June to September) is not ideal for the Dhow as the seas are rough. It will not be possible to sail during this time. 
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